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Bad Dream, but good day
2003-03-26, 7:35 a.m.

Good morning, and I am in a good mood! Hard to beleive since I have been up since 6:30. I had an awful dream that Brian told me he didn't love me anymore and was leaving me! UGH So I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep!! So when his alarm went off I cuddled with him, and he told me, the Brian in my dream was just dumb! lol :) He is too cute sometimes.

Anyway since we were talking I went ahead and got up when he did and spent the morning helping he gets ready. He left a little after 7 this morning, and the kids just woke up (7:35) so I had some time to myself this morning!

Anyway yesterday I found out the land stuff is finally all taken care of! YAY we owe nothing, our name is off of everything! Oh my I am sooooooooo happy you don[t even know! lol

Then Brian got me out of this house which was WONDERFUL! I have been here without going anywhere since Saturday and it was starting to drive me crazy not to go somewhere!

So we went to town and got a few things, I had to have cadbury eggs. I HAD to. The kids each got a toy, because thier daddy spoils them! lol Jaidyn picked out a boy doll which is adorable and has been carring around since last night! awww Maybe we can teach her how we will take care of chase with the doll??

Oh and we had wendys for dinner! YUMMMY :) I didn't have to cook! Sometimes my husbqand is so sweet and sometimes I could straggle him, but right now he is just sweet!

Oh we confirmed with our baby sitter for saturday! From 5 pm until 9 or 10 on Saturday evening I get a break! YAY Dinner, a movie or something! WOW I am excited excited excited! :) YAY

Okay I am going to go now, I know there ins't much exciting here, but hey I am in a good mood and good things have happened, after my weekend I deserve them no???

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