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little sleep
2003-03-31, 7:27 a.m.

Brian said he won't take both kids fishing alone again! hehe! It was that bad and I had to laugh at him because I told him it would be! lol :)

Anyway we went to target and I got to buy two outfits for Paige (my new neice) I can't wait until Thursday night of this week! We are going down there and I get to hold and see my niece!! YAY!! I am excited!

Other then going to target and to academy we really didn't do anything yesterday but stay around the house!! Nice and boring day! lool

I cleaned while Bri took the kids fishing but of course a day when Brian and both kids are here the house is even more of a wreak then normal! sigh...

I need to write out bills right now, but I don't feel like it. I will write them out at about 8 or so and then take them out to be mailed.

I slept awful last night. I woke up and just couldn't get back to sleep for over an hour and a half. It was awful. Chase wasn't moving much at that point and it bugged me because he always wiggles at night, but by the time I went back to sleep he was moving all around again, and this morning he has been moving and having the hiccups! lol :) Yeah I know baby realted stuff, but I can't help it! I am 27 weeks today ya know??

Anyway I need to go make us breakfast and such, so I will talk to ya later!

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