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A good, good morning
2003-04-09, 9:46 a.m.

So another day huh?? I am in a good mood, maybe because I got the kids to go back to sleep this morning so I could go back to sleep too?? lol I got to sleep until almost 9! WOW

Oh and we sold our 4 wheeler yesterday! We should get our money today or tomorrow! YAY us yes?? That means that we get cash in our pockets, and get to finish paying off the dang thing! YAY I am excited!

Oh and Brian is getting overtime again! I have loved the change of haivng him home more, but I admit for as long as we have been married he has always worked lots of overtime and that money not there right now isn't too nice! Thankfully we are pretty set with money so I don't worry too much about that anyway!

So yeah I am bored, can ya tell??

Kids are good and playing in the room, Chase just kicked my belly button and I need to go do a little light exercise, and then fold the load of laundry I have left and straighten up a tad bit, I did most of my cleaning yesterday so there isn't muich to do for me today but little things!:)

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