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Noah's Fits & A to Z
2003-04-10, 8:10 a.m.

Noah had another one of his big fits last night... sigh... Sometimes I don't get that boy, really I don't. Brian and I sat dowen and really talked about how Noah has been acting and how and what we need to do to help stop these fits. I mean its a fit for everything now days! Last night we told him it was time to come in and bam it started up and he ran away from Brian screaming he didn't want to come in. So no outside until this weekend for him. If he can't come in when its time and acts that way he doesn'tr need to go out right?? sigh

Anyway Jaidyn was excellent all day yesterday and was so cute! Atleast lately they have decided to take turns on who is trying us and who isn't! lol

Anyway I am rmabling so here is the A to Z thingy I have seen others do latelt


A - Act your age?

sometimes I guess. How is a 24 year old soppused to act?? lol

B - Born on what day of the week?

Wednesdat I think

C - Chore you hate?

Laundry! Blah

D - Dad's name?


E- Essential makeup item?

Powder and Lip Stick

F - Favorite actor?

I don't have a favorite!

G - Gold or silver?

Gold for my wedding ring, but silver for everything else

H - Hometown?

Bay City, TX

I - Instruments you play?

kind of the clarinet and piano

J - Job title?

homemaker, stay at home mom, mommy

K - Kids?

yep 2 and one in the oven :) Noah Riley & Jaidyn Marie. Chase Michael will be joining us soon

L - Living arrangements?

in a duplex with my hubby and kids

M - Mom's name?


N - Need...

to get closer to JUNE!! lol

O - Overnight hospital stays?

Once when I a about a year old for several days when I almost didn't make it, and then two days after Noah because all the tearing and such I had, and the one night after Jaidyn was born

Q - Quote you like?

Too many to name! lol

R - Religious affiliation

I am Baptist

S - Siblings?

Brother: Tracy- 37

Sisters: Shelly- 33

Jody- 27

T - Time you wake up?

6:30-8:30 just depends on the kids

U - Unique talent?

I pick up everything with my toes! :)

V - Vegetable you refuse to eat?

Spinach! blah

W - Worst habit?

being on here more then I should be!

X - X-rays you've had?

Once for when I sprained my arm, and they were checking for a break

Y - Yummy food you make?

Eveyrthing! lol No really, Ask Brian I always cook

Z - Zodiac Sign?


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