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Late Night Rambles
2003-04-10, 10:31 p.m.

okay read the previous entry for my ranting about pregnancy, well not my pregnancy but pregnant woman, other then me really.

I know I don't make any sence. The kids are in bed, I tucked Brian into bed about 30 minutes ago and I have too much energy to go to sleep! Why do I get energy in the middle of the freaking night?? lol

I will be sooo tired tomorrow, but here tonight I am wide awake!

Nobody is emailing tonight, so I am lonely! Anyone one on aim?? IM me, I am bad about not iming people, because well sometimes I leave my im thingy on and I am not there, or get busy and forget about it, so I don't normally im anyone anymore!


Chase is wiggling in there. You know sometimes I really hate we know what we are having and that his name is so known to everyone. I miss the surprise I had with Jaidyn ;( If we have any more kids (which I doubt) then I won't find out agian and won't tell names. I like surprises better. Or maybe I will just chance his namne at the last minute on you guys! lol

Did I tell you I have great kids?? Probably did more then once or twice! hehe

Tomorrow I think we will build a tent. We started to today but then ended up going with my sister to town to get a few things, so tomorrow I will build their blanket tent and we will play! Jaidyn likes to hide under the blanket, and Noah says its his secret club! tooo cute

I think we will have Clay over this weekend for Buggy boy. He hasn't played with Clay in almost 2 weeks now.

I need to get uys some new contruction paper so bug, Jaidyn and I can make stuff again. Noah loves to cut and glue paper! lol

jaidyn likes to color and tear paper! hehe She is adorable! My little cutie girl!

I love being a mommy, I love seeing them grow into the little people they are. ahhh I love them so much, I can't wait until Chase is here so he can join us and be part of all our family stuff even more then he is now!

oh I am buyinmg a new maya wrap tomorrow! YAY :) Brian and I were talking about what else I needed or wanted for baby and that was something I said. I told him how much they cost and he said "You loved your sling last time, if its what you want who cares what it cost" Sometimes he is tooo cute! Of coruse he has worked so much he is tired and not all here I am sure! hehe Crazy man. Listens to my pregnancy rants and just agrees with me, GOOD BRIAN! lol

Speaking of Brian, if I haven't mentioned it lately, I am so in love with my husband, really I am! He makes me so upset sometimes, but he is so wonderful too. He does so much around here, so much for the kids, and everything! We even sat down last night and talked about how to handle Noah's fits and didn't argue about how to handle them or anything!! YAY us right???

So over all I am tired, but hyper and not ready to go to bed, I love my kiddos who are snug in their beds, I love my husband who is snug in our bed, and I love my little munchkin growing inside of me. I am full of love tonight and with that I am going to make myself go to bed! :)

If you read all of this, you are amazing! lol

if you want further reading, read my vent before this! lol

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