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Church and Pics
2003-06-01, 3:42 p.m.

Church was good this morning! :) I am glad we made it! Everyone there is so nice and so welcoming! :) I love it! YAY on finding a church I like FINALLY! :)

Even the preacher comes up and visits with us every week when we get there. We need to get together with him one day and everything so we can become members of the chuch and such. YAY

The kids love their classes and such! Jaidyn has a room she goes to for the services which is for 2-3 year olds and they do a bible lession and play and make things. Noah goes to childrens church during the services with 4-5 year olds! :) He likes it alot and already has friends! :) He says he likes it because he can talk in there and can't in the big church! lol Silly boy

Noah had a melt down this afternoon though! sigh... O hwell its over now but a few toys ahd to get taken away which is never fun.

I tried to nap but couldn't because even if I go in the room and try and nap the kiddos come wake me up, but they will let Brian nap on the couch and never bother him. Go figure right?? lol Oh well

Anyway here are a few pictures from the last week or so:

Noah and his friend Clay at the Zoo last Monday

Another of the boys at the zoo. Aren't they too sweet??

This one is of Jaidyn taken sometime last week I think! Isn't she pretty???

Here is my preggo self at almost 36 weeks (tomorrow! YAY) this morning before church!

Here is one of the kids and I taken this morning before Church! Brian says there aren't enough pics with me in them so yeah here ya go! :)

This is one of Bri and the kids this morning! Cute aren't they?? All 3 od them! lol Noah and Brian look so much alike its almost scary! lol

Anyway so yeah its been an okay day and I have to pee again (hazard of being this pregnant! lol) so I am going to go now!

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