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our saturday
2003-06-08, 9:24 a.m.

Yesterday was a good day! It was day 2 of being alone with Brian, which was nice, but now I miss my kiddos sooo much its driving me crazY! lol

We got up yesterday morning and had breakfast. Did a little cleaning and such around the house, before taking showers and heading out for lunch. We had Pizza. After lunch we made a couple stops at stores Bri wanted to go to, and then we went to this thing called Ally Fest that was going on in our town this weekend (they have booths selling things, bands playing, crafts for kids, other kid things, food, volleyball, basketball, etc)Anyway we walked around there for almost 2 hours I guess before coming home to rest a bit! We took a nap! lol Then we went out to dinner, went back out toAlley Fest to hear one of the bands play, stopped at a book store (where I finally found the baby book I wanted for Chase! :)) and then went to see 2 Fast 2 Furiois which was actually pretty good. The theater was CROWDED because it was opening weekend for that movie though! :)

So we got home at 15 minute til midnight, and by 1 am I was finally asleep!

The kids should be home around 1 today and I can't wait! I miss them so much! I know it was good for Bri and I to have this time, and before the baby it has been nice to have a short break to relax so I will be ready when he comes, but dang I miss them soooooooooooo much! I am not used to them being gone this long, and especially not Jaidyn!!

Anyway Bri is still asleep and I think Iwill go lay back down for awhile since its so quiet here! lol

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