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weekend rambles
2003-06-28, 10:51 a.m.

Its 10:51. The baby is sleeping, and I didn't get up until 10. IOts nice having Brian home for the weekend! lol :)

Shower I need one. I need to do something with my hair, I dont know if I like the new haircut so its just weird to me... sigh... It will grow out though right??

Chase was up more last night. He and I slept on the couch at lot last night.

He is 8 dyas old today! 8 days!!! NOOOOOOOOO! lol :)

Talked on the phone with Brian's brother and their little girl Paige who is 3 months old (she was born march 21st) weighs 15 lbs and something already! She was 9 lbs soemthing at birth though I think...

I have to call next week to get Chase in for his 2 week appt, so I can find out how much he has grown!! I can't wait to find out!!

I need to call and make appt for his pictures to be done. Its a free package so I have to do it! lol :)

We have to run to the store today too. Its going to suck to have to use my little car this weekend. We had to take the 4 runner in to be worked on, so we are down to my tiny car with 3 kids this weekend! ugh!

Chase need to wake up soon to nurse. He has been asleep for almost 4 hours now...

Noah is playing gameboy. My nephews got him into it and he is loving it right now!

Jaidyn is just cute. She keeps taking her clothes on and off! lol Crazy girl! She dresses herself often these days! She won't let us help!!! Crazy crazy girl!

Brian is a sweetheart for letting me sleep today! He has been great about everything here lately!

Did I tell you he cut the cord when Chase was born and actually watched Chase being born?? He didn't watch that closely the last two times. He stayed by my head! lol But this time he saw it all! He loves his little boy! He is always wanting to hold him and such when he gets home from work! Its too cute!

Of course Jaidyn is still his princess and he keeps doing lots of things with noah too! He is a good daddy I must admitt! :) A good husband too! :)

Okay I need to go check on Chase, take a shwoer when Brian is done (if chase doesn't wake up first) and find the kids clothes and such for the day!

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