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big family
2003-08-08, 10:48 a.m.

just thinking how big our families are getting now.

On my side there are 8 kids and one on the way.

Oldest to youngest:

Jonathon (14), Nick (8 1/2), Tj ( 7 but turns 8 on the 12th), Zachary (6 1/2), Taylor (5 1/2), Noah (4 but turns 5 on sunday), Jaidyn (2 1/2), Chase (7 weeks) & baby to be is due in March!

Zach, Taylor and Noah all happen to be about 10 months apart in ages! And Nick and Tj are about 9 months apart in ages! lol Chase will also be 9 months older then the new baby to be!

On Brian's side there are our three, his brothers two step children and their daughter and that is it for now.

They are Ryan 10, Taylor 9, Noah, Jaidyn, Paige (4.5 months), and Chase!

Family things are always so busy with all the kids now! I love it though!

Did I tell you guys we were going down to see familyon the 23rd?? Well actually on the 22nd which is a friday after Noahgets out of school and Brian off of work for the day! There is a wedding we are going to and we are going visiting all the family too! Some of them haven't seen Chase at all yet and he will be 2 months old by then! :)

Sunday we are having a small get togehter for Noah's birthday. Nothing major becuase some of his friends he wanted to come over are going to be out of town :(

I hope we get our tax advance in the mail today or tomorrow. I want my money! lol I need to get Noah's school clothes still... We just haven't gotten to them yet.

The kids and I were singing songs and doing exercises earlier! Chase just watched everything and smiled! Too cute!!

He is asleep in my arms now, and (I need to lay him down becuase I HAVE to get laundry and cleaning done today!

Yesterday we had company so I didn't get anything done@!

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