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Noah is growing up
2003-08-04, 3:57 p.m.

Sitting here while Jaidyn and Chase are asleep reminds me I need to update the kids web pages with their new favorites and such, and new pictures. Yep... Gotta get time to update so many pages at once! lol

But yeah, Have I told you I love love love my children? Of course!!

Yesterday we went to the store so Noah could spend his birthday money and so we could try and decide what to get him for his birthday! Well he looks and looks and looks around the whole store and he keeps asking how much things are and making sure he would have enough for the things he wants. He doesn't cry or scream or anything. He was so good! And he told us Jaidyn needed a toy too and offered to use his birthday money to buy her something! awwwww he is sooo sweet! But we bought her another carebear because he wanted her to have something and told him to keep his money for him!

So he found himself something and (I took the kids out to the car while Brian picked up what we were going to get him and such! :)

Then this morning we went to the store to get a few things because Brian and Noah decided to go camping for Noah's birthday! THey got a lot of fun things to do out there, plus they plan to swim and fish and all that! Should be so fun for them!! They will be home by noon tomorrow and we will have his party! :)

I also got a letter for the school today! I have Noah's teachers name and everything now! YAY we go in on the 19th to take his supplies to his class and meet his teacher and pick up all the paperwork we have to fill out for his school stuff!! And then he starts on the 20th!!!!

Something neat is he is going to be in a kindergarten / 1 st grade combo class! Its so neat! I didn't exp3ect him to get in that class but yay!! I think it will be great for him, plus they do more neat things and aren't doing the traditional school stuff. They are more of a child lead class instead of a teacher lead class which I LOVE!

So yay for my mom! He is growing up guys. He really is! He is turning 5 tomorrow and I tell you he is maturing so much! I can see the difference between when he first turned 4 and now that he is about to turn 5! they really change a lot in the year. So all of you who have 4 year olds, watch out when they get closer and closer to 5 you will notice it!!

My little ones are asleep I think I will take them outside this evening when it cools off. Its too hot for Chase outside. I think I will let Jaidyn play in the sprinkler this evening. Or we will do something special sice its just her, Chase and I today and tonight!

Watch tomorrow for my birthstory from when I had Noah and such!

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