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Pictures & Such
2003-08-15, 11:49 a.m.

yesterday we did grocery shopping! YAY NOT! lol We did get Noah's backpack for school, the couple other things he would need for supplies, and then the groceries.

This afternoon we are going to find shoes for Brian and Noah and dress pants for Brian! Fun fun! lol

okay the rest is just pictures okay? There will be some here and some in Chase's baby journal (I am dfoing this update first though!)

The first two are of all three kids taken yesterday! :) In one Chase is very very made and in the other Noah is lookign down because he is playing gameboy! lol:

The next 3 are of Noah showing off some of his new shirts and acting silly:

These last three are of Jaidyn of course in her pretty dress yesterday. In one of them you see ehr back and its too cute, a little car that goes by itself went bewtween her legs and that is when I took that picture:

The rest of the pictures will be in Chase's journal including a couple of just Noah and Jaidyn too! :)

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