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pity party
2003-08-29, 4:46 p.m.

My day has pretty much sucked.

Yep, all day today I was tired, worn down and stressed. I clean the house and the kids mess it back up. There is camping stuff in the laundry room that Brian still hasn't picked up, put away and such. Noah is whiney and tired and he nad Jaidyn keep fighting.

Brian gets home at 4:15 and he is already gone again and its 4:48. He is going to work out with some guys from work, which I was fine with. But now he is going to do that and instead of coming home for dinner before heading out to the lake he is going to go help acouple guys move from one place to another and then head out to the lake. I have no idea when he will be home tomorrow.

So I tried to call my sister but of course I can't get her. I never can get ahold of anyone when I am going to be home alone all night and all day tomorrow.

Its depressing, I don't have anywhere to go, anything to do. The people I do know all have lives so they are busy and such, which leaves me here and bored out of my mind of course...

I thought I was okay with him going but now it just aggervates me. Yes he needs a break from everything becuasue yes he works outside of the house and yes he does come home and help out with the kids. BUT I don't get a break. I don't get to escape.

Chase has gotten where he is not napping well during the day so most of the day I do everything with him in my arms. Noah doesn't have school tomorrow so he will be home which means he and Jaidyn will fight all day, the house I work so hard to clean will be destoryed anbd I will have to do everything with Chase in my arms.

Noah is crying and screaming now about everything. Its driving me crazy...

You know during the week I never expect anything of Brian. I don't ask him to do any of the housework or antyhing because he does work outside of the house, but I live for the weekends when I have help. When I have someone to talk to during the day that isn't over the phone, over the internet, or just a cashier or something from a store. SOmeone I can just sit and talk to...

So yeah today sucks because I had less then 20 minutes to talk to another adult today in person, and now he is gone until sometime tomorrow afternoon. I have a screaming whining crying kindergartener who just finished a long week of full day school, and a 2 1/2 year old that is stubborn and won't listen. Oh and the baby is sleeping but he will be up soon and I will have to juggle him, the other two, and getitng something made for dinner that the kids probably won't eat anyway, because they just never eat when I cook, so there really is no point. Maybe we will just have sandwiches...

Yeah I know its not really too bad. Normally my days are good. The kids are just normal kids, and I am normally okay with everything but right now I am tired and a little jealous that my husband has a life and has people to go do things with, when all I have his this stupid house that is too small and too closed in for me... sigh

Okay enough pity party for me

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