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2003-09-14, 12:59 p.m.

Can I go back to bed and start today over again? Can it be much much different then it has been today???

Last night Brian and I went out to dinner and to a movie. We went alone. I actually left Chase which I didn't really feel too comfortablwe with but he was asleep when we left and he knows my sister really well.

So we go out to eat and watch matchsticjk men which was okay I guess. I am not a big sit still and watch a movie fan, I get bored with almost every movie I have every watched at some point during it so going to the movie theater isn't that exciting for me. Came home and myu sister said chase did well. He took some of the expressed milk I had left and hadn't screamed or cried at all! YAY

THen we watched Identity or whatever it was becuase Brian had rented them a couple dyas ago and we needed to watch it so we could return it this morning. It was wierd but okay I guess. I figured it out beofre the end thoguh.

Then today, yes today I wish I could go back and re do. Noah keeps throwing fits trying to hit everyone and screaming at us, Brian doesn't respect my thoughts on some things and that annoys the crap out of me. Especially when we have talked about this over and over and over again. I don't want to get into details herwe so I won't.

Chase was fussy this morning but he is asleep now! We returned the movies and went to walmart to get a few things we needed and Noah had a huge fit there too. sigh.. I just want to crawl into a litlte hole somewhere and hide. Sometimes I feel like I do way too much around here for everyone (well not Jaidyn and Chase, just Noah and Brian) and get no respect from either one of them. Noah's not listening, screaming and all that stuff is starting to get to me. He is picking up behavors of kids at school and this I don't like at all.

Anyway I should go eat lunch. Everyone else has either at or are eatting and chase will be up before too long so I know I won't have much time to eat with both hands...

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