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school & sick
2003-09-17, 4:18 p.m.

I am tired.

I stay too busy. Remind me its okay to slow down okay??

Today, lets see. Went to help out at Noah school. That was good. Its always good to see the kids and learn more of their names and such.

Charles, Tabitha, Amanda, Carlie, Joesph, Ty, Ashley, Haley T, and I there were a few others I read with. They are all 1st graders. I don't get to read with the kinders in the class because well I am biased on Noah's reading I guess! lol No relaly I will be reading with the kinders too on some days but mrs. noll will always read with noah on those days.

She told me before I left "Your son is just the sweetest and cutiest thing" hehe :) Makes a mommy proud yes?? She said he is doing great. He is a little quiet buyt he does play with the other kids, he parcitpats in the class activies and such and over all he is doing well. His only problem is he writes too small! lol We are treying to get him to write his letters the right sizes for the lined paper but yeah he just likes to write small! lol Crazy boy!

Anyway he is doing well, I love going in and having the time to talk and get to know his teacher. I also saw his little friend Clay who is in his class. He smiled at me when I told him hi! He is too cute.

Jaidyn was good today. She acted fine most of the day but then went to sleep at a time she doesn't normally sleep, and then whoile we were waiting for Noah to get out of school and were in the car she throw up on herself from caughing so hard. EWWWWWW I couldn't get her completely clean until we got home so it was gross gross gross. She has been fine since then again! Crazy kid. I feel bad she keeps getitng sick.Its that stuff vbuilding up in her throat I just know it! Poor thing.

Chase has napped most of the day on and off. He is tired tired tired for some reaosn. Nursing, sleeping, nursing, sleepiung that is his pattern. Oops Bri is home gotta go spend time with him now since he is about to walk in the door

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