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thanks & more prayers
2003-10-01, 12:46 p.m.

Thank yo uto those of you sending thoughts and prayers to my sister. SHe needs them even more now then ever.

Last night her hubby became violent and left bruises on her arms. She got away from him with the boys and they are staying at my dads. He had to work today so she went back to her house to get a few things and found he had thrown her stuff outside, broken a lot of the kids and her things, put pictures of her and the kids in boxes (he has never wanted those kids, the jerk)He took the cash that was in the house including all the change. Took all the birth certificates (including hers) and SS cards and all the important stuff when he went to work. He is a big jerk!

Anyway she was heading to the bank to take some money. He got paid today and she knows that she won't see any of it so she is going to go take what is in the account now for her and the boys.

I am so worried about her guys. She has to find a job, somewhere to live, and hope and pray her jerk of a hubby doesn't ruin and break everything of hers and the kids in the house. Plus try and get some of her important papers back and such! She was supposed to go see my mom (who works at the police department as an ID officer) and find out how she can file for tempory custudy of the kids so he can't take them and run off (even though he doesn't want them he wants to get back at her) with them until the divorce is filed and settled.

I am scared for her. I am worried about her and her boys. Her 6 year old has never liked his dad so he doesn't mind them leaving, but her 8 year old is upset becuase his daddy said they would go do this or that this weekend and know he is upset becuase it won't happen, and her 14 year old I don't know what he is feeling but I am sure its not good. He is old enough to know what is goign on. Old enough to know his dad is treating his mother all wrong.

My dad has already said if he comes to his house causing trouble then he will call the police on him/

My sister said it was the last staw and she won't go back to him no matter what and for that I am thankful. He isn't going to change. He hasn't in the last 15 years and he won't now either.

So yeah please keep her in your thoughts or pray for her and her boys?? They are scared and don't know what comes next.

I wish I was there. I wish I could help her. I wish she could come here, but moving the boys from the place they have always known would make it harder. They have their schools, the friends, their normal places to go and such there. Plus Jonathon is in high school and in the band and he loves being part of the band he is in and everything.

On another note, Noah gets his first report card today! I will let you know how he did when he gets home! :)

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