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2003-10-07, 7:17 a.m.

Just a few pictures. I am too tired to to write much right now

Jaidyn at my sisters over the weekend

My sister has her hubbys pregnant daughter who has 2 kids over at the house over the weekend too (his daughter and Jody are due within a week or so of each other!)

Anyway the kids are: Tj-8 (my nephew), Taylor- 5 1/2 (my niece), Noah-5, Adrian-3(my sisters step grandson), Jaidyn- 2 1/2, Keanu-2 (my sisters step grandson), and of course Chase- 3 1/2 months. My sister is due March 15th and Robyn (her step daughter who is 22 I think) is due sometime in MArch too

Anyway here are two pictures of the kdis at dinner time:

Here are a couple from our trip back home a couple weekends ago:

Jaidyn and my other sister Shelly

Noah and Jaidyn at my in laws

Jaidyn with her legs crossed! Looking so girly! Eating a banana

Noah Bug being cute like always!

Gotta go get Noah ready for school (well he is ready but I have to get Jaidyn up and such!

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