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Halloween Rant
2003-11-01, 1:03 p.m.

Why do some people make a big deal anbout halloween?? I mean come on its all what you make it.

Yes I an Christian. And Yes I let my kids dress up and go trick or treating. Why?? Because that is all we make it, dressing up and trick or treating.

My kids think its fun to put on cute costumes and go trick or treating at peoples houses they know. I don't find that a bad thing.

We don't look into any means or think its an evil holiday because to me its not about any of that stuff. Its about costumes and getting candy.

Noah didn't once ask why we went trick or treating on halloween or dressed up. He just knew he got to put on a costume.

And yes this year I let my daughter wear a witch comstume instead of some cute character comstume. WHY?? Because my daughter loved the witch hat and that is what she wanted. Is it an evil thing? No because she is 2 1/2 and all she cared about was wearing the hat. She wasn't making a statement for wearing it saying she was a real witch or anything.

This isn't directed at anyone who reads this. It comes from listening or reading others conversations about the holiday. I feel some people think if your a christian you should have anything to do with it because of course its evil to dress your children up abnd let them get candy.. sigh

I don't feel God will look down on us for letting the kids enjoy the evening when it doesn't mean ANYTHING to us other then that. I will admit I haven't looked up what all halloween was really about or why it started. But like I said it doesn't matter. We do it for the fun of the day, not for the meaning.

Just like some people celebrate christmas, no because they are celebrating the birth of Christ as we do at my house and in my family, but they celebrate by doing gifts and such anyway.

Anyway I know I am ranting and I am sorry, but as a Christian I feel a little annoyed by other christians putting down those of us who went trick or treating last night.

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