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2003-11-03, 6:49 a.m.

Debate boards get too ugly for me, and yeah the point I would want to make has been made, so yeah I just won't post! lol

I got scared last night. Chase normally sleeps on the side of me towards the edge of the bed (our matteress is on the floor with pillows right next to the bed so if he rolled off he wouldn't even know it! lol) Anyway I am ALWAYS facing him when I am asleep. I have enver had my back to him before, until today. I opened my eyes and didn't see him next to me. I started to panic and looked on the pillows at the floor. Nothing, then I turend around and there he was sleeping peacifully right next to me! Scared me to death! I didn't know where he was..

He is still sleeping peacifully now. I have the kiddos up already. Not yet 7 but I got them up a little early anwyay

I have lots to do today. I was going to go to the dr with my sister but she said she was rescheduling it, so I guess not. I will clean and such. I need to go to the grocery store for a couple things, but I don't really feel like going! lol

So yeah I may hold that off until tomorrow.

The kids are watching Power Rangers while they eat breakfast. Its the only time Noah has been watching tv lately. When he gets home from school we read his book, go over his letters and then he wants to go outside and play and that is fine with me. Playing outside is better then watching tv all day! YAY

Jaiduyn is much of a tv watcher. She is so much like me it just isn't even funny. lol Poor her.

I was upset at Brian yesterday, I don't ask him to do much around here. I know he works and he works hard during the week and sometimes on saturday and every now and again on sundays too. I don't ask him to cook or clean or antyhing on weekdays. BUT when he is home all day on a sunday and sits on his booty watching football all day while I battle with the kids, clean up after everyone (including him because his clothes never get put up in the hamper, his coke cans don't get thrown away, etc) and trying to fold laundry while juggling a cranky baby. Yeah I could have used some help yes???

He does normally help out with the kids. He actually does their baths most nights, but yesterday he wouldn't do anything.

I wanted to run by my sisters and get Jaidyn's doll. I wanted to run and get the groceries I need so I didn't have to run today, but he just sat there. He didn't act as if he would want to go and I knew he wouldn't watch the kids. Well he would have agreed too, BUT he wouldn't have actuallywatched the older two. He was too into football. So yeah I should go now, but I think I will be mean and wait and either let him watch the kdis while I go this evening or make him go too! lol :)

MEAN! Yes I am! lol

Not!! More then once he has told me how much nicer I am then most of the toher guys he works with wives.

I don't expect him to do much around here. I do stay home all day and I do find it part of my job to keep up with the house as well as the kids. Yeah I know, its kind of old school type of stuff, but that is how it goes I think anyway.

He does his share of watching kids otuside in the evenings and he does Jaidyns and Noah's bathes, not me! :)

HAve I told you that I am getting all touched out these days?? You may have no idea what I am talking about. But I nurse. Which means Chase is attached to my breast several times a day. When he is attached he wants to be held or played with. When he is asleep and laying down or is happy playing, Jaidyn wants on me. She wants to sit in my lap and hug on me. Then if she isn't on me Noah wants hugs or wants to sit with me or something. And if its not the kids, its my husband groping me becuase he wants the sex that he hasn't been getting much since Chase was born because we do have a baby who sleeps with us. And when I sleep at night I have Chase cuddled right up to me (I do love that! :0) ) and Brian curled up to the other side of me.

I would every now again like to sit down or lay down alone. Without anyone cuddled to me, without anyone touching me, without anyone nursing... sigh

I know I know I am so contrudicting because I LOVE nursing. I LOVE hugging and cuddling with my children. I ENJOY having sex with my husband and knowing he still wants me after 3 children and a body of battle scars from pregnancy and childbirth. I LOVE sleeping with Chase.

But yeah I think I just need an hour. A full hour to myself. Like in a warm bubble bath. Yeah that sounds good. That is what I want. A warm bubble bath and a good book. I could soak for an hour easily. lol

Okay Noah and Jaidyn are done with breakfast. They are washing up and I need to make sure they brush their teeth so I am going to go now. I have kids to get ready and one to get to school. I have laundry to fold and a house to clean. Busyh nbusy busy. The life of a stay at home mom...

Oh and I have nano story to write today too. I am GOING to get ahead again even if it kills me! :) hehe

HAve a good day Ya'll (I never use that word! lol)

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