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crazy man
2003-11-06, 6:17 a.m.

I just checked out bank account and our pay check is there. I would be happy BUT we are missing some hours on that pay check. I am always right within 10 dollars when I figure our paychecks for the week, and yeah well this one is missing almost 100 dollars!! UGH

Makes me made! I know Brian didn't wortk on Wednesday of last week because we went to his great grandmas funeral but he worked on Saturday and he worked during the week late to make up the hours. MAKES NO SENCE!!! UGH

They better hav ethe extra money on next weeks check or maybe he will just edn up switching to the way better paying job soon anyway (read about that in the prev entry)

I feel sick but better then I did yesterday! YAY All kids are asleep which is good for this morning too! :)

Did I tell you about the weird guy I saw yesterday?? I walked outside to put something in the truck and I saw this guy he was walking in front of our duplex. He was kind of creepy looking and I had never seen him before. Its odd anyone would be walking towards the dead end of our street too. He walks by and then looks back at me and runs into the trees at our dead end! FREAKED me out! I mean totally FREAKED me out! What was he doing here? Why did he run when we saw me?? and why did he disappear i nthe trees??? Scart stuff.

I am keeping the door locked all day today. Lots of times I don't keep it locked during the day because Jaidyn and I will go in and out, but now yeah its staying locked and today we are staying in! lol

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