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people should
2003-11-07, 8:56 a.m.

You know I think?? I think that if someone replies to an email, they should actually READ the WHOLE email before they make comments on it.

ugh if some people would read the whole thing then yeah they would realize they just stated what you said and where they were trying to tell you, you didn't know what you were talking about makes them look stupid because they are just repeating everything you already wrote.

ugh okay that is off my chest now! :)

Message boards and emails get on my nerves sometimes. No I am not talking about thos of you who read this. Its other people. sigh

Chase is sick. He has my cold. Brian is sick, he has a cold. Noah is sick he has a cough and Jaidyn is sick she has a runny nose. I hate all the runny noses. I sent noah to school because other then a cough he felt fine and its friday anyway. He will have all weekend to stay home and rest.

Guess what? ITs not even 9 am yet and I have been to a near by town, returned blockbuster movies there, went into walmart for a few things and am not home! YAY me huh??

I have lots to do around here. Well okay not lots but I do have things to do and I want to rest more today then I have this week.

My head is throbbing.. blah O hthe bank added in the extra money from the check they messed up on. I think his company actually messed up because it was put in in two deposits but yeah I am happier now!

Brian is going to day to get Noah's gamecube for christmas. Its the most expensive item we are buying so we are getting that now and then starting to shop for other presents.

Jaidyn was kind of cranky one the way back from the store. Sigh.. Chae is asleep in my arms. Poor thing. If he keeps this runny nose over the wekeend I will call on Modnay and get him into the dr. I know he has his check up soon but if he is sick I want to get him in you know??

Okay Jaidyn is laying on the couch under a blanket and I think I will go lay down with chase i na bit

Oh and pray for my sister today okay. She is the one who is getting divorced and the hearing is today to settle how much he will pay her in child support and such!

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