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dr phil
2003-11-10, 3:21 p.m.

ugh... I am watching Dr Phil and he is letting woman debate about SAHM vrs. WM's. Oh come on people.

The sahm's are saying those that work are wrong and don't care enough about their kids. The Working moms are saying that stay at home moms don't do as much as they do and that we are making our children needy and less independant because they are home with them oh and sahm's have time to get their nails done and we let the tv raise our children.

Are woman, mothers to be exact really this narrow minded?? I stay home because I ENJOY taking care of my children and staying home with them. I want to be the one who sees all their first. I want to be carrying for them. I get up at 5:30 am and start my day. I make everyone breakfast, fix lunches for Noah and Brian to take to work and school. Jaidyn maybe watches 30 minutes of tv a day, Noah doesn't watch any really. He would rather play outside. Jaidyn too. I don't just sit on my butt all day.

And working moms aren't bad moms, some people need to work for money and other moms just enjoy working. That is their rights. I think EVERYONE should respect each other.

The comments from these woman are awful. IO can't believe people judge each other that much.

We are ALL parents and we are ALL doing our own thing. I think that is perfectly fine... These woman and others who think this way need to get OVER it.

To each their own. When will people get that?? sigh.. Parenting, its one of those things everyone does differently. No one is really wrong (unless your neglating them or abusing them) we all just do things different ways.

I nurse, I co sleep, I stay home, I feed on demand, I follow my childrens needs, I don't spank, I do things my way, but do I expect everyone to do things my way?? NOPE! :)

Sorry people annoy me on tv. UGH I should turn it off now. Yep I will do that and go read with my son....

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