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Tuesday Ramblings
2005-08-23, 9:54 a.m.

Chase and Hailey were up early this morning but both went back to sleep after Noah left for school. YAY

Mommy went back to sleep too of course.

I just finished my yogurt and am now sitting here with Chase. He likes to sit with me when he drinks his cup of milk. Jaidyn is eating breakfast. Hailey is asleep.

I need to make a couple phonecalls. I hate when I have to call people. blah. Its one of those things with me hwen my shy side comes out. I dread making phone calls so I will worry about it and put them off. But once I just do it, its never as bad as I thought it would be. Its crazy.

So phone calls to make today. Need to fold the load of towels I washed last night. Bri will get off around 2:30 so he will pick up Jaid from school. Then the other kids from daycare (my sisters kids) and noah from school . Then we have to go to the grocery store this evening. We both need stuff from the store so we are going together this afternoon instead of me going today while he is at work.

Then it will be cooking dinner time,noah's homework time, bath time, and bed time for the kids. Its alwahys busy from about 4 until bedtime here.

There is something else I know I need to do today but I so cannot remember what it was. sigh...

Oh and I find my crocheting stuff. YAY. So I started working on a blanket last night. Actually its just a practice thing because I am out of practice right now! lol Then I want to make each kid soemthing. Not sure what but something.

Oh baby is starting to fussy need to go get her now.

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