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Weekend update
2005-09-25, 8:59 p.m.

Crazy stuff this week I tell you.

Here is kind of a recap on things since Wednesday okay?


Hurricane Rita was heading to the Texas Gulf Coast. Right at the area where my family lives. My sister, brother & her boys all decide to come up because they are being evacuated). They leave thier town at 3:30 to head this way. Brian gets home at 5:30 pm and has to leave to go backt o work at 6:30. At 12:30 he gets home and my sister calls and they are almost here. My brother and sister lose each other on the road and my sister calls me from her cell phone. I talk her through on how to get here. Brian takes off to find my brother (who doesn't have a cell phone) and then my sister and I head out with her 16 year old son inc harge of the kids in the house (mine were all asleep)

It was 2 am before we found him. Crazy.

Got to bed at 4 am.

Thursday: Slept until 6 when I had to get Noah up for school. Went back to sleep when he left until 9 wen I was babysitting. Took Jaidyn to school, went to the grocery store, picked up Jaidyn, etc. Crazy day. Kids broke windows in an old shack that is on this property. sigh. That was bad and Brian and I had a huge arguement that evening. Not good at all.

Friday: a little better of a day. Not so busy or crazy. Ran to the store for a fwew things, got some lunch, took kids to school, etc. Kids and Brian boarded up the windows on teh place they broke them at. Brian still was in a bad mood. Styaed up late visiting with my sister.

Saturday: rained all day long. High winds. Our part of the storm. Spent the day herlping my sister with her work and just with the kids. Bri in a much much better mood. Kids were good. Stayed up late visiting and playing games with my sister, brother and 16 year old nephew.

Sunday: they left this morning by 9. We have been cleaning, etc. Brian has had the kids doing extra chores today to help and as part of Noah's punishment for the windows thing. Went to the store this evening.

Things are good today.

Tomorrow the kids don't ahve sschool.

Oh and we were without power for a bit yesterday and without cable from yesterday until this morning so I haven't beena ble to get on.

Much much more happened but that is my recap without going into tons of details.

I am tired. Hailey is nursing to sleep I will be in bed soon

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