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Happy for someone
2005-10-13, 11:00 p.m.

Bought the kids halloween costumes today.

The boys are ninjas. Jaidyn is "a pink princess" just as she wanted to be. Its a Sleeping Beauty pink princess dress. Hailey will be a bunny. A pink bunny.

Okay so Haileys is just like a tad bit thicker then a sleeper and looks a lot like one. It has a tiny bunny tell on the back, and the hood has ears and the eyes on it.

So so so happy for a good internet friend! :) Congrats girlie!! So exciting! yay

I need to plan a trip. A trip just a couple hours away. I wish I was brave enough to drive it myself with all 4 kids but I doubt that will happen. Maybe I can convice bri to make the trip soon........

Weekend stuff. Nothing exciting. Brian is working saturday and he is going to the deer lease afterwards for the rest of the weekend.

Kids and I will rent movies, bake cookies, and just hang out at home. No soccer game this weekend (one is not scheduled ) so we are staying in and I am excited about that. I need the break.

Tomorrow will be busy. Have to figure out what is wrong with the washer. It won't drain the water out. hmmm. Take kids to school. I have to pick both kids up so that is always crazy to have to do.

Well I need to go to bed, since the baby has been down for like an hour and I stayed up, because I was waiting to hear about something. But now since I have, I am going to bed bed bed.

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