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good and bad day
2001-10-06, 3:56 p.m.

Ugh my day got bad. It was good this morning but Jaidyn is cranky and whiny and wants me to hodl her even after a 2 hour nap! URG! SHe is too much of a mama's girl I think. I love her to death but sometimes I would like to not have her in my lap, ya know?? My nephew lost my keys,, well okay he threw my keys and I had to look for them out in the yard. Brian went home for a little while and took Noah atleast. My neice has been great other then having daiherra which she can't help poor thing. She didn't make it to the potty once today! That was kind of gross but she tried..

I took a few pictures over the last week. HEre is one of Miss Jaidyn and one of Bug:

Here are a couple with my niece and nephew. One is of my niece and nephew in chairs and Jaidyn on the ground outside and the other is Noah, my neice Taylor and the puppy in the chair:

Anyway I am gonna go and try and work on a new background for this thing and get my web pages back up and running again.

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