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ugh I am going nuts
2001-10-29, 12:58 p.m.

My daughter is driving me nuts. She has done nothing but CRY all day. Well okay she will play for a few minutes and then cry again, so I lay her down for bed and she cries, so I pick her up and she cries. She is just so tired and won't sleep! And Now Noah is tired and yelling and whining and having a huge fit too all bercause I got him a drink he asked for. Some days I don't get paid enough for all this! UGH Okay so I love the kids to death but right now I need a break. I had 2 extra kids for 3 weeks and never a break. I need away from the munchkins for just a little while. AN hour would do. Just some time without hearing them scream. I almost can't wiat until tomorrow where Noah wil lbe in school so I can atleast get a little break, but then agian its Jaidyn that won't stop screaming and I need a break from and that just doesn't happen. Why are my kids being so bad today?? Can't they just take naps for once and not scream? Well I need to go I guess since they are both yelling and screaming

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